Scolari warns Cristiano to cool it.
LISBON (AFP) - Portugal coach Luiz Felipe Scolari has warned Manchester United's Cristiano Ronaldo to control his temper at the World Cup in Germany after he received a yellow card at a warm-up match over the weekend.
"It's a situation that worries me because the majority of our opponents provoke Cristiano and he does not know how to deal with it," he told state-run television RTP.
"Our opponents know that if they get at Cristiano he will react this way. Cristiano has to understand that he is part of a group and these attitudes hurt the entire group and not just him," he added.
"We need to show Cristiano the difficulties which he has to face because decisive games are coming up. I am sure he will listen to me and his teammates beacause it is crucial that this type of imprudent act not be repeated at the World Cup."
Ronaldo, 21, got a yellow card in the 31st minute after being fouled and pushing opponent Jeff Strasser in the throat during Portugal's 3-0 warm-up win over Luxembourg in Metz, France on Saturday.
The winger apologized for the incident after the match.
"You can see my foot and leg, this was not easy but this doesn't justify my reaction. I expect not to do it again so as not to be penalized at the World Cup," he said.
Po Polsku
Lizbona (AFP)- Trener reprezentacji Portugalii Luiz Felipe Scolari ostrzegł zawodnika Man United, Cristiano Ronaldo, aby zaczal kontrolowac swoje emocje na Mundialu w Niemczech po otrzymaniu zoltej kartki na sparingu w weekend.
'To sytuacja, ktora bardzo mnie niepokoi, poniebaz wiekszosc naszych rywali prowokuje Cristiano a on nie wie jak sie z tym uporac' powiedzial lokalnej telewizji RTP.
'Nasi rywale dobrze wiedza co zrobic aby Cristiano tak zareagowal. Cristiano musi zrozumiec, ze jest czescia grupy i taka postawa zaboli cala druzyne a nie tylko jego' dodal.
'Musimy pokazac Cristiano problemy ktore bedzie musial pokonac na decydujacych meczach, ktore juz sie zblizaja. Jestempewien, ze wyslucha mnie i swoich kolegow, bo to jest istotny akt nieostroznosci, ktory nie powinien zdarzyc sie na Mundialu.'
Ronaldo, 21, otrzymal zolta kartke w 31 minucie po sfaulowaniu i popchnieciu rywala Jeffa Strassera w szyje podczas meczu sparingowego Portugalia 3-0 Luksemburg w Metz, Francja w sobote.
Skrzydlowy przeprosil za incydent zaraz po meczu.
'Widzisz moje stopy i nogi, to nie bylo proste, ale to mnie nie usprawiedliwia. Nie mam zamiaru wiecej tego robic jeszcze raz, aby nie byc ukaranym na Mundialu,' powiedzial.
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